If you have any questions regarding this Recall to Inspect (in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission), and/or want to contact us to arrange for a free inspection and (if necessary) free installation of space guards, you may reach us at the following:

Due to the continued effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and supply chain and labor disruptions, our ability to send a contractor to visit your home to inspect your elevator and, as needed, install Space Guards pursuant to this Recall to Inspect may be delayed.

emailIcon  Email Us:


phoneIcon Call Us:

1-800-285-9862 1-800-285-9862 (Toll-Free)
Call Center Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. EST
Monday - Friday except Holidays

faxIcon Fax Us:


writeIcon Write Us:

thyssenkrupp Access Corp. Recall to Inspect
c/o Administrator
P.O. Box 6454
Portland, OR 97228-6454

Please ensure that you include your name and your return address on all correspondence.

Send Us a Message: